Blitz (21/144)

From:David McMinn
Date:9 May 2001 at 11:56:53
Subject:Re: NImageGadget

Hi Maciej

> > See the attached (the NImageGadget example which I have modified). It
> > works on P96 on UAE (both 8 bit and 24 bit), so I hope it would work on
> > other things too. It mostly uses NCS commands, but the source is a bit

> program. Could you tell me if it works on CGX? I hope it does, coz afaik
> CGX also features emulation of pens on 15 and deeper screens.

I'd tell you if I knew :) but I don't have a system which uses CGX to
test it on. It should work, but I guess someone on this list with CGX
might be able to tell you.

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